Saturday, November 7, 2009


Today was a great day. The continuous prank calling goes on and on. But like all prank calls some are to fall and fail as fast as hot potato :(
The following are those who were involved in the prank
1) David Lee
2) Ranel Pierre
3) Adrian Wong
4) Raymond Chong
5) Muhd. Haseef

The greatest and most successful was our 1 and only DAVID CHARLES LEE.
The pranksters : Pravin ( Edward ) and Me ( Ah Chong )
The victim : David Lee
The plot
Edward called his girlfriend, Brenda (DAVID). Edward was shocked that a guy answered. Edward asked is this Brenda's new bf and that she is cheating Edward. Edward threatens David. After talking, Ah Chong comes and interrogates David. Ah Chong threatens David as well.


After pranking him. Arthur calls and says " YOU GOT PRANKED" LOL terus we all admit and david sent a sms to Pravin saying the following



The Backfired Prank Call
Ranel Pierre.

The pranksters : Me
The Victim : Ranel Pierre
The Interference : RANEL's MOM

So you all most definitely know about the fight opposite All saints school on last friday. So we decided to just prank Ranel about it since he got involved somehow. I call with a pilakish voice and asked him if he was ranel.
Then i said that you were beating up my geng that day right? You wanna settle kah now at starbucks. Bring your geng with you. He said no la. Then I said dont lie la I see u at cp now. Then he drop the call.
He offed his phone.

What Proof Do You Have That Ranel Was In The Fight?


After that Pravin told Ranel the truth and he was pissed and damn scared too. Lolz. Dean on behalf of the geng apologize to ranel's mum.

So This was a total BACKFIRED PLAN.


The Dumbest Prank Call
The Prankster : PRAVIN
The Victim : Muhd. HASEEF

Pravin called Haseef saying : Hello Im Ali bin Abu.
Haseef replied : WTF Is this crap!
Pravin laughed.

The Smart Victim
The Prankster: Dean Kueh & Mohd. Naqib
The Victim : Raymond Chong

Dean said : Hello is this raymond chong?
Raymond said : Yea?

Dean stunted.

NAqib takes the phone.
NAqib Also Stunned
Naqib tries to save the prank by saying meet at citymall tomorrow at 12pm.
Everyone admits their real identity.

The lame prank call.
The Prankster : Dean Kueh
The Victim : Adrian Wong

Dean tells adrian wong he has a scholarship for him which requires him to study in Shah Alam. It is a school for athletes. Dean asks if he was interested. Adrian says " I ask my mum first ". ZZZ
Dean tells adrian its a prank. Merepek.


Note to everyone : Those who were pranked or involve somehow. We're sincerely sorry and it was just a joke. No harm meant to anyone especially RANEL's MUM AND RANEL. sorry for causing any panic. SORRY =D

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The latest post since August (Yes this is a retarded title)

Its almost a year now and everybody is wanting
their holidays. Most of em are gonna plan their holidays dengan teliti
or maybe some are not gonna plan anything
because not planning is the plan.

Hmm many things need to be solved before this year comes to and end but
then again maybe I should just kasih biarkan
Don't know really... but the main thing is
I'm gonna enjoy 24/7 out of this holiday and no one can ME!!!
unless I get sick or something.

Well I'm still having exams so not much time to plan these stuff..
Come to think of it the papers are already leaked and
alot of people are studying answers.
Ah well.. That's K.K life.

Haven't been blogging much since August when things become
more and more shitty as it gets.
Well it's meant to be and just gotta face through it.
Plus I've been watching Gossip Girl
which is the MOST SCANDALOUS SHOW that I've seen
Hong Kong shows wasn't that scandalous.

I'll just stop till here since I'm having blogger block
and everyone is going to tumblr ?? Don't know why
Till then.
As the french says
Au Revoir!

P.S = Need more oomph/umph songs. Those songs yang kasi smgat :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Fantasy Galaxy

Don't you think dreams are wonderful?
Dreams could be about anything
From a gigantic tarantula to a beautiful sunset with loved ones
or it could even be about GOD.
To me dreams are what I would call a fantasy galaxy,
A place so amazing because
it could be sweet dreams about you and your love mate
or even you and your love mate in an argument
We only dream when either we worry something so much
till our mind can be thinking about it for an eternity
or it could be from the majestic feelings that you experience
either way, both are experienced by all humans
To be honest, I don't dream that much
Because there's only one dream that could make me feel like feather
and that is something I am not sharing with you all today
But isn't it a waste when you dream about something so beautiful
and then you wake up,
forgetting half of the dream that just blowed up in your mind
knowing that you'll never dream the same thing twice,
I guess it's just something that I miss having,
one of those little small things that we occasionally take for granted,
like pineapple tarts, GOD I love them so much
Although we dream wonderful things
Unfortunately we too dream about the sad things
Things that can shatter your heart into a million pieces,
just like the stars in the empty dark pit
which we call it as a galaxy.
And with this,
I call dreams "fantasy galaxy"
because fantasy brings either joy or sorrow or anything
and galaxy because there it's a space where there is no limit for our imagination.
~ Fantasy Galaxy ~
P.S = I guess there's a reason why East and West are seperated.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Depression?? Depends On How You Define Depression


It may seem harder than it actually is.
Talking has already started since the creation of mankind
By GOD of course.

It's so easy to talk to a friend who you may or may not be close to.
It's easy to talk to a stranger even if it's just saying "Hi".
It's so easy to talk to your family who are there for you.
It's so easy to talk to your lovely animals which always keep you accompanied.
It's so easy to talk about ANYTHING.

Yet, why can't I even say a proper HI?!
The awkwardness that we go through everyday.
Just so hard to talk to ♥.

Well there are always reasons though.
But that's not that what I'm blogging about.
I see her face.
She she's me.
We wave our hands.
-End Of Conversation-

So sad isn't it.
Thinking about it everyday.
Seriously hurts the thorns of a rose.
I guess ♥ is a rose.
Beautiful inside and outside.
Thorns sometimes cuts me.
: (

Ahh.. forget it.
I can't have everything I want.
Even if it could be what it is.
I know it's harder for her.
God save us.
God help us.
God guide us.
Give me strength to face the days.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What the Future Holds For Us..

Heyz.. Any of you know the song Superman by Five for Fighting?
If you do then great, if you don't then I reckon you take some time and hear it
cause it very nice and full of feelings.
( Sounds kinda sensitive for a guy.. )

So today in a so called "Premier School",
we went to see all the colleges and universities that we might go to
like MARA, Lim Kok Wing, Inti, Cambridge, etc
This somehow has made me to realize about my future.

A 16 year old teen
Wishes to study Computer Games Designing.
Apparently I'm gonna go to LIM KOK WING located in Cyberjaya
That's in Tanah Melayu my friends.
The distance between my bro and Cyberjaya is like
From K.K to Tuaran,
perhaps 30-45minutes?

Sadly after SPM,
get my results,
immediately going to Lim Kok Wing,
to study there for 3 years and then see what happens next.

What REALLY caught me thinking is what I'm gonna leave here
Like most of my church buddies,
after SPM they went straight to their further studies.
What am I gonna miss?

A Whole Bunch Of Fun Kick-Ass Friends
From School & Church YO!

Yes I'll still be able to eat ABC and all that but
what about the fun moments in school and church?
Probably I'm gonna come back during certain semesters but
I won't be able to enjoy it as much as now though.

As a conclusion,
Live your moments in K.K cause you won't know what might happen

P.S = I just want you to know that ...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Self Concious

To People Of ~!@#$%^&*()

So how have you all been doing for the past few days? Hopefully nothing much. So what's this post gonna be this time? And why am I asking so many questions? Well we're all curious because its our nature to be. Its how GOD made us. People say curiosity kill a cat but I don't really believe in that. Anyways to the body of this comprehension.

DISSECTION. Is it cruel? Is it just science? Is it BOTH??
So today we had to dissect a mice which apparently was awesome. Not much of the disgusted than the fun. Sadly it's still not nice to cut some little innocent creatures up and then skin them alive and cut their brains off. I guess its for the greater good of science. Come to think of it, we've been given life and we should appreciate it to the fullest. So if God gave those mouse lives and we took it away, wouldn't that be a sin?

Maybe it's just me being soft and all but it's really sad once u get to bond with something
and then you have to kill it :( I guess it's just how it was meant to be. Though I have to admit it was rather interesting. Hopefully the school wouldn't catch a new flu. Rodent flu to be exact.
As the French say, Au Revoir!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Moving On

Lately I've felt very depressed
due to certain challenges that GOD has given me
I guess its a necessity for me in life
so that I can face them and go through it
even if it requires me to endure devastating pain.

It is an expression or a feeling
that creates confusion in human beings
such as myself and the people around me
To know that one can love is joyful
But to know that one cannot love is tormenting

* Just like a diamond
* Makes me feel alive like a spark
Witnessing * eyes is exactly like blooming cherry blossoms
It mesmerizes ones soul so deep
as if you witnessed a glimpse of HEAVEN

But like diamonds
* cuts hearts so deep
it can turn ones eyes into waterfalls
To stop loving * its difficult
as if your telling me to not breathe air for eternity

So pain yet so sad
Even though she may have
already found her knight and shining armor
It breaks ones heart into a million pieces
but if * happy, then I'm glad

As time moves on
for it is inevitable to any living creature
I must move on
and forgot the past
for it is the right thing to do
and with GOD's grace
I hope that I'll be

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

✟Self Reflection 2 - ✓

Ahh.. Greetings to all of you. Its been quite a hectic and heart - breaking week. Well anyways I think it's another time for me to have a self reflection again but this time I'll do things a lil differently. I'd probably got this idea from Sivik which is still a conspiracy made by the government to scam our money by making people to buy their books. Nevertheless here we go.

Firstly I think I am gonna stop DOTA. Yes you've got it right. I think I am gonna stop DOTA because it has caused lots of stress and problems with my life. Most of the foul words coming out from my mouth is mostly in dota with schoolmates which Caroline should NOT know. If i were to stop DOTA, I'd probably have more time to do other stuffs such as hanging out with friends ( not hanging out in cybercafe ). Not only that, I will also have alot of time to do my homework and study that is if I do study. Even though so, I'm still not sure yet but only time will tell.

Secondly, I've recently started daily devotion which is titled "Our Daily Bread" which is not only useful and meaningful but amazing because its kinda cool that someone can write all these for 3 months lasting. Just like what Vannessa told us during youth, we should continue doing daily devotions. No matter wether we have finished doing it or stopped cause of boredom or even somehow we just lost track, WE ALL should continue to do our daily devotion.

Third and lastly, I'm gonna do my best to stop saying foul words that Caroline and Jenny do not know of. Yes in church I might not say it at all or maybe just a little but in school its like a machine gun shooting bullets. No, im not proud of this. Every week I go to church and we keep saying forgive" us for our sins as we forgive those who sin againts us in thought, word and deed...". It might not be the exact words I assume but if I keep saying this and dont try my best to stop then I dont really see the point in saying this.

With that, I hope to be a better person. No, I'm not trying to be perfect because GOD didn't made us perfect. If he did then it probably be useless. Nobody's perfect. Not me. Not you. Noone. Only God is PERFECT.

P.S = If life had a formulae, then we wouldn't be in a real world.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do we make the RIGHT CHOICES?

Now I've became a Christian for 2 years now. Though Im not baptised yet, but I believe in the Lord and praise him everyday. So I've started doing daily devotions since a week or so to further improve my bible knowledge and help to become a better Christian. One of the devotions that Ive just read and I find it very interesting was about CHOICES.

Just like God gave Adam and Eve choices. HE gave them the freedom to eat of all the trees in Eden except ONE TREE. They chose the wrong choice though and they were punished for that. Some people may accuse GOD of trying to control their lives but HE gave them choices.

GOD does draws boundary lines but its for our own protection. David ( Not David Lee ) understood this. Read Ps. 119:98-101 .

Lord, help us to obey Your Word,
To heed Your still, small voice ;
And may we not be swayed by men,
But make Your will our choice. - D. De Haan

God's Commandments were given to fulfill us, not to frustrate us.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson - King Of Pop Forever

Micheal Jackson has died after suffering what is believed to have been a cardiac arrest in Los Angeles.

The singer, 50, was pronounced dead soon after he arrived at an LA hospital.

The LA Coroner has confirmed his death.

Lieutenant Fred Corral told CNN Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26pm (7.26am) local time after reportedly suffering a cardiac arrest, but not a heart attack.

"I can tell you at this time that we were notified by West Los Angeles Police Department detectives that Mr Jackson was transported ... to the hospital, and upon admitting, he was unresponsive and was pronounced dead at approximately 2:26 this afternoon," Corral told CNN.

Today is a sad day for everyone who has ever loved Micheal Jackson. Wether you love him or not he is still the King of Pop in the hearts of millions and possibly billions. Even though he is gone now but 1 thing for sure is that he will never be forgotten by anyone for he is IMMORTAL. (Figuratively speaking )

Michael Jackson. U RoX

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Coming To You Live From Alor Setar Its... Luiz

Hello Everybody. Its Luiz giving to you the latest update from Alor Setar. So what attracts the people to Alor Setar? Its PADI!!!! Yes people padi/beras/rice/paddy/nasi/fan. I don't know whats rice in Tamil ( Sorry Matthew). Im currently with my family back here in Alor Setar but were not gonna go to the kampung there which I hoped to go but nvm lah still got other chances. My whole journey to A.S from my house is 8 hours. Hahaha what a long time when I could be doing something else ( NOT DOTA). Had some chit chat with the relatives and having the wedding tomorrow. Well Im gonna go now cause I have stuff to do later on and the laptop's battery is gonna die. Better off now. So I hope I will be able to SURVIVE H1N1 or aka HINI. Ciao

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Everyone has a good & bad teacher(s). So during the previous episode on Youth, we had a discussion with the other youth members on teachers. My bad teacher would be Teacher Durian. GOD didnt create us to be perfect but this is just my opinion about T.D. Why I dont like her is because
1) T.D. looks like a drug addict.
3) T.D. scolds people using wrong terms. If people forgot to bring book then she say attitude
problem. WTF?
4) T.D. likes to shout out ridiculous stupid words.
5) T.D. teaches using the old chinese disiplin way. WERE NOT IN NORTH KOREA T.D!
6) T.D. gives a retardedly huge amount of work.
7) T.D. is super thin. Thinner than me.
8) T.D. is a ketua panitia ( the tai lou of a subject ).
9) T.D. hits people with objects.
10) T.D. has a problem with people who enters classes a little late and questions them.
Now the Good teacher. Lets call him Dr.H for short. He is my tuition teacher. These are the following reasons why he is a good teacher.
1) Dr.H allows me to eat during tuition.
2) Dr.H allows me to listen to music during tuition.
3) Dr.H always ask me how am I.
4) Dr.H sometimes offer me food.
5) Dr.H teaches me very well.
6) Dr.H always asks if Im alright with the question.
7) Dr.H still teaches me even though I'm the only student there.
8) Dr.H is willing to fetch me to tuition when I have no transport.
9) Dr.H always encourage me when I feel like giving up on the subject.
10) Dr.H always tell me advices on my Christian Life
11) Dr.H sometimes laugh when I get stuck with a question.
12) Dr.H always admits if he made a mistake in teaching ( Most teachers wouldnt dare to do ).
13) Dr.H doesn't give any homework.
14) Dr.H sometimes talk to me about his family and shows me his decorations and stuff.
15) Lastly, Dr.H makes me feel like a very close friend to him.
So there you go. You can see that the bad teacher would normally make you feel crappy and angry where as the good teacher always make you feel better and inspires you to be a better person.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Money Kills!


Is it the source of greediness (tamahak) and all evil? To me, I think it is but the real question is.. What would YOU do if you had all the money in the world as much as the above picture. Truthfully, I would buy myself a sports car, a mansion, a private jet and probably spend it on items I think is cool. Well I'm only human.. Would you give all your money to orphans, charities, people in need, beggars, your children or give it to GOD as offering? Giving all the money you have to GOD is a very very very wonderful thing but don't you think that's just ridiculous?

We need money everyday to buy food, pay taxes ( government scandal ), pay our debts, buy fuel for car, electricity, water, etc. Money can really change someones life. Some people in the world would commit sins for money even if it means killing which is against one of the 10 commandments. Though we will never know how the world would be if money never existed in this world. Conclusively, money is neither bad nor good but it can change peoples life...

When were you born?

1. Start from the month you were born. ( January = 1, February = 2,...)

2. Multiply it by 4. Add 13.

3. Multiply by 25. Subtract 200.

4. Add the day of the month that you were born.

5. Multiply by 2. Subtract 400.

6. Multiply by 50 and add the last two digits of the year that you were born.

7. Subtract 10500.

8.What is your answer? Isn't it strange that your birth - month, day and year are displayed?

This was taken from my Maths Textbook Pg 167. Its really cool at first.

P.S = To find out when you were born requires your birth date.

Monday, April 27, 2009


( What I've Missed Passionately )
Ahh.. I've missed the wind breeze in the kampung,
Ahh.. I've missed my brothers who arent at home,
Ahh.. I've missed the long gone youth members,
Ahh.. I've missed my fireworks exploding,
Ahh.. I've missed having true fun with people,
Ahh.. I've missed the unforgetable moments.
Its times like these where we see what God has given us that we can truly appreciate because life isn't just about the bad stuffs, but rather the wonderful stuffs.
P.S = Which do you think is more worthy. All the riches in the world or a day of companionship with true friends. YOU DECIDE :D

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Week Of Juicy Gossips... NOT!

          Hello there. What is there to post for today? Well I'm not sure also but I'll just type of what I can recall this past few days. On Monday we did a video presentation for the subject Sivik. Even though I still think it is a ridiculous subject made by the government because it is a conspiracy to take our money by making us buying the textbooks. Anywayz the video is here . Its about pergaulan bebas so I think you might know a lil about what is in there. Then during chemistry we did some experiments about group of elements 1. Apparently if you put the substances, Sodium & Potassium on your hand with water, it can cause your skin to burn. Yes it hurts terribly. I know cause I got burnt abit... Well it was cool and knowledgable at the same time. Finally something the government has benefited us in our education system.

What else did I forget...  Hmm maybe this saturday I will be going Paintballing again which ROCKS! We're probably fighting the church ministry as in the pastors, Archdeacon, Bishop and etc etc. They beat us before. Its payback time! Its seriously fun because you get to learn how to defend yourself and at the same time enjoying the fun of shooting an enemy civilian. Hahaha. Hurts though if you get shot but thats why people wear 3 - 4 layers of thick shirts. Paintball can also be super funny. For an example, Adriel got shot in the nuts 3 times by his own DAD. LMAO! The bishop's sun, Andrew got shot in the mouth but all of us wore our helments so shot hit his helment and become liquid moving at a high speed. I think you can imagine what would happen... Expensive but FUN! I think our youth should do that 1 day. Haha that would be superbly AWESOME! You get to shoot girls and you can just say " Oh well, its paintball. What to do? " Lolz.

          Errr, I talked to my 2nd bro, Justin. If you read the older posts you would slightly know who he is. He said I should go to a gym and get more buffed so we can kick my 3rd brother's ass. LMAO! But I also no transport how to go. Maybe 1 day lah I go. Seeing that quite a number of people encourage me to go as well. Only time will tell...

I'll stop here then cause I've got nothing else to post about. My life is not as busy as American people where drama is happening everyday. So goodbye I say to you.

P.S = Love hurts. Thats why they call it CRUSHES.

P.S.S = Don't play with love because both sides will get CRUSHED.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Day Of Hard Work Pays Off

          The Anglican Retirement Kampong
          So yesterday o wait, its exactly midnight.. So 2 days ago I went to the A.R.K with a group of people to do some moral work for our Moral Project. We went there and we were assigned to our individual work. Some cleaned the window, some vacuum the ceiling, some swept the floor, some mop the floor, and some washed the mosquito nets. 
My job was to wash the mosquito nets which was the hardest task ever because it needs to be brushed off 3 times at least to clean the net which was very very very dirty because the pastor didn't had any time to clean it so it must have been ages. Well my job needed to use water constantly so I ended up with my skin wrinkling so much that it peeled off... Anyways then we also went to go and gave the elderly who couldn't move a spin around the place while they were sitting down on their wheelchair.
          We also took some photos because we needed proof of us doing the work. The pastor said I did the hardest job ever and go complimented me. Lol I felt very shy and ackward but overall happy. Then we all took this certificate for the pastor to sign based on what we did in the A.R.K. After a hard day of work we got a free admission pass to this concert/musical thing in Christ Church Likas ( my church ). 
I guess in the end, all it matters was not the proof of doing the work but its helping the community doing something willingly which gives you that good feeling for being helpful. This feeling doesn't come everyday. Instead it needs hard work. Well I'm out of words to blog. Hopefully I have encourage you to go help the community that we live with everyday. 
P.S : I saw a photo of this old lady who was directly infront of the KING of Malaysia. Isn't that awesome or what.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Self Reflection 1 ~ ✔

          For this past few days there hasn't been much of studying seeing that we have this Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang and I happened to get 7 A's ( Thank You God ). As a  teenager I have to say that it is great because I don't have to deal with strict teachers. Now I've been doing some thinking about many things in life. It is about my ambition, friends and anger. 

          When I was a child I've always wanted to be a game designer and still want to because I would prefer to do a job that is creative, fun and entertaining even though it can be very STRESSFUL. What I know is that as a Christian, I must follow what GOD has planned for me. Even though so, I still have a passion for my career but what if it turns out that GOD doesn't want me to be a game designer but instead HE wants me to be something else. As dissapointing as it may seem but we must do this to Honour HIM. Conclusion, I'm still very new at being a Christian but I must try my best to glorify HIM.

Secondly, I've also have some thoughts about FRIENDS. For what I will have to say is what I say from my mind & heart. We sometimes have trouble when it comes to friends. Sometimes they may be your friends but they might still gossip about you though. No I may not be the greatest friend in the entire world for I am just a human. Friends are there for you and not ignore your problem. To me, even if your friend has a problem with you that he or she needs to tell you, he or she should have the guts to tell me what they have to say to me infront of my face and not gossiping behind my back. Through this way, at least I know.

Lastly, ANGER. No one is this world has never been angry. If you have never been angry that you are not human. As far as I know, everyone has a temper. We just don't know how short is their temper. Anger always makes me feel as if I want to punch that person who made me angry. We're all GOD's creation and we're never PERFECT because this is how HE made us. Instead we should release our anger through ways that won't involve hurting other people. Why not just get a hammer and go to the nearest junk yard and start smashing some things. If not, you could always do the dishes and keep scrubing them plates with all your anger. Otherwise it's gonna stay in your heart and cause you to have grudges.

This is the end of my latest post. To anyone who read this, I just want to say... 


Monday, April 6, 2009

Coffee Knowledge

         I found this information through wikipedia but I heard it from the movie called The Bucket List. It is about a very very special coffee n the world and I would like to dedicate this post to my cell leader Jenny Helena Sieh because she is a coffee addict. Maybe not addict but she hungers for it Everyday. Anyways here it goes.

          Kopi Luwak pronounced kopi luwak or Civet coffee is coffee made from coffee berries which have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). The civets eat the berries, but the beans inside pass through their system undigested. This process takes place on the islands of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi in the Indonesian Archipelago, in the Philippines (where the product is called Kape Alamid) and in East Timor (locally called kafé-laku).

          Vietnam has a similar type of coffee, called weasel coffee, which is made from coffee berries which have been regurgitated by local weasels. In actuality the "weasel" is just the local version of the Asian Palm Civet. Kopi is the Indonesian word for coffee, and luwak is a local name of the Asian Palm Civet. The raw, red coffee berries are part of its normal diet, along with insects, small mammals, small reptiles, eggs and nestlings of birds, and other fruit.

          The inner bean of the berry is not digested, but it has been proposed that enzymes in the stomach of the civet add to the coffee's flavor by breaking down the proteins that give coffee its bitter taste. The beans are defecated, still covered in some inner layers of the berry. The beans are washed, and given only a light roast so as to not destroy the complex flavors that develop through the process. Some sources claim that the beans may be regurgitated instead of defecated.

          In early days, the beans would be collected in the wild from a "latrine," or a specific place where the civet would defecate as a means to mark its territory, and these latrines would be a predictable place for local gatherers to find the beans. More commonly today, captured civets are fed raw berries, the feces produced are then processed and the coffee beans offered for sale. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for between $120 and $600 USD per pound, and is sold mainly in Japan and the United States. 

          So what this actually means is that the beans are eaten by animals and they then poop/crap/shit/ta pien/buang air besar/taik it out from their body. The people nearby then take IT and somehow process it and sell it throughout the world for a really really expensive price. Before I leave this post, I just wanna say that this is freaking interesting and I would like to try this pooped coffee drink. As disgusting as it may sound I would still like to try it. 

P.S = Jenny you should save money and try buying it from C-Bay ( Coffee Bay ). No not E-Bay,             C-Bay. Lol just kidding.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Ongs

           Ahh.  Yes it was only yesterday when I went to Arthur's house. O wait it is. Lolz. So today I didnt have any tuition cause my physics teacher when to cing/zhing ming which means they gotta go and pray for their late elderly I guess. So today I'll be blogging bout my brothers. 

          So what can I say about my 3 brothers who are all not at home. ALOT. To be frank I really miss them alot. Well who wouldn't miss their brothers and sisters if they went for further studies. My eldest and most matured brother would be Terence. He and his sporting, fun and knowledgable personality is nice. He's the type of person that was born to lead. <- That sounded so Spartan-ish. If im not mistaken, he was the penolong ketua pengawas for All Saint during his time. If you go to All Saints and ask the older teachers like Mr. Annanthan, Cynthia or Jeanie Yong who is Terence, they'll definitely know. He's now in U.K working as a doctor and currently specializing old people's disease which sounds kinda funny.

          Haha my 2nd brother, Justin. The black sheep of the family. The most naughty and childish in the family but fun, cool, sporting, jokes alot, watches COACH HINES which I also love & wrestles with me when were arguing ( in a good way of course ). He's the type that is always talks and talks and is fun to be with at all times. Seriously nice to have him cause we always talk rubbish and challenge in other in games. Hahaha. He's currently in Kuala Lumpur getting his license or something like that to be an official lawyer. He plans to work for all the gangsters and criminals because their rich. <- Total bullshit. Lol. He also said if he didnt make it then he's gonna open a chicken rice shop. <- Bullshit No.2. Hahaha.

          At last my 3rd brother, Kelvin. The one that likes to control things and keep them in order. The type that always like to assume but assuming will only make an ASS out of U and ME. Add ASS + U + Me = Assume. Hahaha I got that from my youth. Im not so close to him but I guess he is hardworking cause he has a part time job in Australia working as a sushi maker or something like that. We always argue though but I guess there's a saying in the Malay language carik - carik bulu ayam, lama - lama cantum juga which I think means the feathers comes off but it will eventually join back. He's in Australia studying engineering. Not sure what type of engineering though. 

            Conclusion, I hope all of them can come back soon for holidays because its really boring and there's no one to talk to at home... other than my parents of course :[

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The First & Last Day To Arthur's House

Today I'm blogerring about this special & retarded Thursday. Today in school was okay, normal & boring as usual. Anyways so me, haseef and wong went to arthur's hse to do the sivik video project. It was funny when doing the video then we all went to tapau lunch around 3 or so. Here comes the bad part, after tapau-ing our lunch we went back to arthur's hse and guess what. We were locked out outside of arthurs hse. He brought the back door key cause he couldnt find the main key.

So we went to the backdoor and it was LOCKED INSIDE. Well we all waited for arthur's mum to come back home so that she can open the door. Arthur said she would reach at 4.30. As time passes by each minute he keep increasing it. From 4.30 - 5 then from 5 - 5.30 then it kept going on but she eventually came home around 6.10. During the waiting we all did rubbish stuff such as kicking cans, climbing pillars, chilling and stuff.

Then wong got into trouble cause of his aggressive, fierce, brutal, violence, rubbish mother. Lol all the adjectives used to describe her was TRUE. Well eventually we got home and continued our daily lives but being locked out from your own house is really really really TERRIBLE. Which reminds me to always get a spare key :D

P.S = Haseef I know where your house is located. Prepare to be PORK-I-FIED

Friday, March 27, 2009


The following is just a random thing that I have created because I was bored of the lecturing the teachers gave for our projects during Thursday 27 March 2009. It was open to any students of 4A/4B. It doesn't insult or criticize Malaysia which is our very country. The topic was Why Malaysia Will and Will Not Fall. I'll start with Why Malaysia Will Fall followed by Why Malaysia Wont Fall.

Why Malaysia Will Fall ~
 - Because the goverment is corrupted ( some are )
 - The people do not support it
 - The health department is not building more hospitals in the city
 - The education department is too lenient
 - Too racist ( Chinese, Indian, Malays )
 - Malays exist
 - B.N control the country
 - PKR and DAP quarell to take over the country
 - Too many immigrants
 - This country has no good Prime Minister

Why Malaysia Wont Fall ~
 - Because people can still change
 - The people cant do a shit about it
 - Its not yet in war/conflict with other countries
 - Smarter people are getting more common
 - Cuz we aint got nothing else to do ( prefer to Dota then caring about Malaysia )
 - Nobody cares
 - Chinese & Indians exists
 - DAP will control Malaysia
 - If Najib be the Prime Minister

* As you can see this is racist and ridiculous. Thank you for reading. LOL. *

P.S = I used Chong's book.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

C.C.Y Camp ~ Last Day

           Ah. The last day of camp. Well we all got up late and Edwin was gone cause he had to go for his class at 9. We all went to freshen up and had our daily devotion which was titled Rock Or Sand. Then we had breakfast which was great cause we had many varieties. Later we went to take the instruments from Alpha Hall to Omega Hall and had an ice breaker.

            We took some group photos with Archdeacon John and Pastor Moses. After that we had worship and praise. Then Pastor Moses asked us to split into 3 groups and make either a song, a poem or a drawing about our youth. My group did a song which was half way done but it was cool. Mark and his team did like a rap thing and it had a nice rhythm. Daniel's team did a drawing and Joel explained it.

           Then Pastor Moses had a session talking about how we as the young people of this generation can make a difference. Then he asked us to write 5 people we would wanna bring to youth. You dont need to know who lol. Then we all had lunch and cleaned up the place. The camp was over and people started to go home. I also learned some stuff about piano and gitar which was awesome. After that some of us talk and talk until 2.30 or so then we all went home. As soon as I reached home, I took a shower, played my good and loyal com for a while and finally crashed on to the bed. 

          Overall it was an amazing experience and I hope that there will be more to come after this wonderful, fun and joyful camp. 

C.C.Y Camp ~ Sunday

           On Sunday we got up at 5. Had breakfast and freshen up. Later we went for Church Service at 8.45am and they were this choir/missionaries from Singapore which took our usual seats so we had to sit at the back nearby the adults. Then after church we went to have lunch outside of the church around Likas. We planned to buy the paint spray to have our revenge back on Clement for waking us up so early and for his annoyingness. Sadly it wasn't sold. So we wanted to buy balloons but Caroline our WONDERFUL Youth Leader had some so we didnt have to buy. We bought some keropoks, drinks and ice cream for later.

           After that we went to practice our drama based on a scene in the bible. My team had to do the Parting of The Red Sea. The other team did the 10 Commandments. So we practice and practice then we had to go to this A.G.M for the Church. There was this lady who said " The first two songs during the church service gives me a shock because its so loud." I'm like WAT?! If the church have 3 songs and their all soft songs than that would suck because we youth would seriously need some adrenaline rush songs. Not just soft songs.

          Anyway then me and Edwin went to help out Vincent again for the games that we were suppose to play for Saturday but we didn't so we had it today. Then it was raining so we had to play other games first. 1st game was to blow a balloon till it pops then ring the bell. I have always been scared of balloons exploding in front of my face but I managed to pull it off. Then after that we went to the field cause it stopped raining. We fought agains Archdeacon John and the adult geng. The tug of war was great seeing them against the youth. The adults cheated so much but it was caught on tape. Hahahahaha. After that it was water balloon time and we SPLASHED ARCHDEACON and the adults. HAHAHAHAHA That was the greatest time of all. Then everyone got wet. We also wanted to make our youth leader wet but she had the camera with her. I guess she knew it already.

          Then we took our shower and dinner. Later we did our drama infront of parents and other people. The other group doing the 10 commandments was superbly funny. Our group didnt do as funny as theirs but we still had fun. Then Caroline told us that she was gonna give out awards to some of the youths. I got the Most Helpful Award. Lol what a surprise. Then we had supper and we talked and talked until 2am or so. Some of the other campers slept at 4. What a great day.

C.C.Y Camp ~ Saturday

          WAZZUP! Last Saturday Christ Church held a camp for the english youth which rocked. There were so many things to do and there were also new friends and old loyal friends. On saturday first there was a session to watch Evan Almighty. After that the youth had a hip hop session with Pastor Moses and his wife. I didnt go for the hip hop cause I helped out with Vincent to do the games which was gonna be FUN but turns out it didnt happen cause it was raining... So sad but we had other games as PLAN B which I had no freaking idea about. 

          The 1st game we had was very demoralising but FUN! It was a partnet game so I chose Matthew as my partner. The fun part about the game was 1 guy had to be blind folded. At first I thought the guy who was blind folded was gonna be painted or something. Funny thing is, Matthew who got blind folded had the chance to take the lipstick and draw on the other guys face. Hahaha he didnt drew on my face. Instead he did more of colouring cause he dont know which part of my face he was blind. My goodness my teeth, lips, eyebrow and nose oso got. Haha so ridiculous.

            Then after that the other game was to take plasticine and make it into an object that we thought it should be. There were 4 things needed to be made, first was a fruit which the answer was starfruit but we made an orange. Not even close. 2nd was a number and its two digit. We made 40 cause we thought it was the church annivesary but it was 56. SO RANDOM MAN! Then 3rd was a shape and its very common. We did a triangle but apparently it was a Star. Lastly its something we wear everyday at home. We did pants and 2 other group made UNDERWEAR! HAHAHA! The answer was pyjamas.

            Finally the 3rd game was you had to use your mouth to take CHICKEN'S LEG! YEA! It was so smelly and disgusting but it was freakin awesome. Had to use mouth to take from the plate on the floor then throw it into a bucket using ONLY OUR MOUTH. Lol my team got only 1 in. Hahaha we got 3rd though. So funny. All the guys was so relaxed but Hannah was like You guys go first, I'll be the last. Haha poor Hannah. After that we had a game sort of like a duel fencing game. Take a pillow/soft thingy sword and start hitting people till they fall. Joel was a boulder. He won 4times in a row then he lost to Moses and said he was tired. Hahaha.

           Then after all the excitement the guys and girls went to their toilets to shower then we all had dinner. Haha the dinner they gave us was hillarious. The main course was the chicken leg we used just now followed by raw potatoes and a big brocolli. Haha but they gave us the REAL EDIBLE FOOD.  Later we had a another session about our destiny and our future. Whether are we following what God wants us to be and how we can confirm it. Really puts me to thinking. After that we went for supper and then we hit the hay. Of course in camp you can never sleep because there will be talking and disturbing other ppl and "sabo-ing" other people. Just like Clement the annoying person of all time. Hahaha. I fell asleep at 12 and woke up at 5.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thanks MAN!

          Hello people around the world. Today I just finished my 1st upper form exams. Everyone is in my school also blogging bout the last day of exam. Wow what a relief knowing that the 1st exam is over. The standard between the first exam is like X 1 tera of pmr. Well I'm definitely exaggerating but it is superbly hard. The subjects that I actually liked to do was English, Sivik and EST. Sivik was so easy its like they give all the bad stuff and there is a good stuff. You should know which one is the answer right...?

           Then we our History teacher marked all of our papers and Alot of people went to check. Seriously its like they so curious this. Most of the people would definitely fail but they just wanna see how BAD they failed. I know I failed but I don't wanna spoil my holiday with sejarah marks. Besides, there's a saying "Curiousity kills a cat". Haha trip pro english for awhile. Even though the joy of going through exam is over but I still cant play D.O.T.A cause its still lent season.

          No matter how bad I want to play, I rather not do it for God than for my own needs. Speaking of which I really had to thank God because he is the one who given my calmness and stress-free during the exam. Most of my classmates was freaking out and panicing cause of exams. Memorise this memorise that. Hahaha. Anywayz Im gonna go and find some stuff to do now. I'll probably be blogging again soon.

Au Revoir

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Boring O..

                Yea! Another Friday Night Live but apparently Im gonna be super bored... Currently having lent season which some Christians also don't know what it is. Anyways I promised myself Im not gonna play dota during Lent Season which is 40 days.. So far 10 days have passed already and most of the Dota People like me keep persuading me to play it.

                Hahaha but no lah I rather not play dota for God then for my own satisfaction. At least I have some support from some of my friends from school and church. Thanks a bunch guys and girls. The funny thing about not playing dota is that I realize I have spent so much time wasted on dota when I could have use it to do other things for an example DOING HOMEWORK! Hahaha. Its currently raining now and I hate rain... Well Nigel ask me to do the Ology crap so I guess I'll do it since Im as bored as hell.


Let other's know a little more about yourself; if you've been tagged, re-post this with your own answers and title it with your name plus "ology" on the end.


What is your salad dressing of choice?> Chicken & Carrot?

What is your favourite sit-down restaurant?> Yu Hing. Its in Luyang if ur wondering. 

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?> Spaghetti!!

What are your pizza toppings of choice?> Pineapple. Yumm Yumm 

What do you like to put on your toast?> Butter & Cheese


*How many televisions are in your house?> 2

What color cell phone do you have?> Black


Are you right-handed or left-handed?> The one yang opposite of left. 

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?> Fingernails 

What is the last heavy item you lifted?> Weights

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?> Nope.

*BULLCRAPOLOGY* ( oh how we all love that title. XD)

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?> No because then whats the point of living when there isnt any mystery at all.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?> I like my name cause its spanish/german.

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?> If I was broke then yes. 


How many pairs of flip flops do you own?> 1-1=0

Last time you had a run-in with the cops?>Never but I would like to try.

Last person you hugged?> My Mum. Lolz


Season?> Summer cuz I like it hot.

Holiday?> School Break Holiday.

Day of the week?> Saturday cause got youth! YEA!! 

Month?> December. Can see my whole family again.


Missing someone?> All my brothers. T_T 

Mood?> Happy.

What are you listening to?> Viva La Vida. Coldplay RULES!

Watching?> The monitor of my com.

Worrying about?> My 2nd bro Justin. 


First place you went this morning?>  The toilet Dufus.

What's the last movie you saw?>  Underworld 3 which is so cool.

Do you smile often?> Nope.  


Do you always answer your phone?> If I boleh dengar.

You love...?> God.

If you could change your eye color what would it be?> Sapphire Blue. Its so beautiful. 

What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?> Malaysia teda.

Do you own a digital camera?> Yea.

Have you ever had a pet fish?> 2 actually when I was young. They both died.

Favorite Christmas song?>  Twelve Days Of Christmas.

What's on your wish list for your birthday?> My brothers coming back to K.K 

Can you do push ups?> Yea.

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?> Cant really say cause there's ups and downs  in life.

Ever been in a car wreck?> Nope but it would be pretty cool.

Do you have an accent?> Nope but I cant cuba other slang ba. 

What is the last song to make you cry?>  Cant remember.

Plans tonight?>  Eating keropok while watching tv.

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?> yea..

Name 3 things you bought yesterday.> Hashbrown, Herbal egg, chicken wing. 

Have you ever been given roses?> Nah.

Current worry?> Thought I answered this in Currentology. Wtf?

Current hate right now?> The rain. Lol 

Met someone who changed your life?> Nope but I got a few idols lah. 

How did you bring in the New Year?> Celebrating it with my family :D

What song represents you?> Gives U HELL! WOOHOO! 

Name three people who might complete this? >  Peps that have blogs.

What were you doing 12 AM last night?> Sleeping on my bed.

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?> Nothing. When I wake up im like a programmed robot to do this and that.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Menggedramatismastically - Lol Wtf?

          Greetings fellow Internet Surfers. Today I'll be bloggin bout DRAMA. Ah... Drama... Today I went to audition for drama with some of my fellow friends. They are Aaron Lim, Joshua Ronald, Darren Ching, Mohd. Naqib, Adriel Wong and many other buds. Apparently only Joshua, Adriel and Naqib got selected to be in the main cast. A thousand congrats to each of you. Lol I didnt get selected but it was okay.

          So now I have to think what to join... There's debate which Im not sure still can or not. Choral speaking maybe can but I dont like it... Im hoping that I can join debate cause got Chong. No im not gay and no you didnt say I was GAY. Anywayz was a lil dissapointed but nevertheless I hope to join debate now if not then form 5 I will have to rush to get kokum marks which sucks cause got SPM!! Yea... Anyway thats all to say. So goodbye fellow Internet Surfers and keep on visiting to check for any new posts.

þ X ç = þç ? 

Monday, March 2, 2009

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Ello there. Today I'll be blogging about things in life spesificly, Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was considered 1 of the worlds greatest man who ever lived. 2 of his greatest works was the Statue of David, Sistine Chapel Ceiling and The Fresco of The Last Judgement. The statue of David represented symbol of Florentine freedom and it was to be placed in the Piazza della Signoria. The painting of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling needed 4 years. The composition eventually contained over 300 figures and had at its center nine episodes from the Book of Genesis, divided into three groups: God's Creation of the Earth; God's Creation of Humankind and their fall from God's grace; and lastly, the state of Humanity as represented by Noah and his family. On the pendentives supporting the ceiling are painted twelve men and women who prophesied the coming of the Jesus. They are seven prophets of Israel and five Sibyls, prophetic women of the Classical world. The Last Judgment is a depiction of the second coming of Christ and the apocalypse where the souls of humanity rise and are assigned to their various fates judged by Christ, surrounded by the Saints.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life's Little Mysteries...

Hello to all my viewers which I have none.. Anyway today I'll be blogging about Life's Little Mysteries. Its the thing that you ask yourself why and you just have no freaking idea about it. For an example, if i asked you how is colour formed. You would n't know, would you? Ah yes, in this world populated by 6 billion people (not including animals) we don't know the answer to everything because if we did, God would probably erase our mind... Im just kidding but if i was childish enough i would say Im just kidding, OR AM I?! Anywayz... probably when we go back home, No not your comfortable house filled with food and beds and toilets and all that good stuff. Im talking bout heaven. Maybe when we go back home, we might know or we might not know because nobody has died and wrote a book about heaven. You cant write if your dead, can you? So today I'll stop blogging about random crapness that wonders around in my mind or probably its the voice in my head. Nah just kidding OR AM I?! Farewell then.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Everyone has a purpose. Just in different fields.

So today during youth I learned a couple of things. I learned that every person has its use. Every person that was born into this world has a purpose just only in different areas. For an example, I do the projector during praise and worship. It is one of the ways I serve God. Or like my other friends from church. Adriel for an example plays the drum and is now a cell leader assistant or Jenny who leads the youth to sing during praise and worship. There is even more proof you can find in the Bible. Such as John the Baptist, Moses, Paul, Peter, King Solomon, Timothy, Elijah, Elisha, and many other great people. Everyone of them were used by the Man Upstairs. Yes ladies and gentlemen its God. Through this I also hope that I can serve God in a higher way by starting small. From a malay saying "Sedikit - sedikit, Lama - lama menjadi Bukit." Though now all I do is the projection but as long as I'm serving Him in any way, I feel worthy.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pedro Lopez

Pedro Alonso López (born October 8, 1948 in Santa Isabel, Colombia) is a Colombian-born confessed serial killer, accused of killing more than 300 women across South America. Aside from uncited local accounts, López’s crimes first received international attention from an interview conducted by Ron Laytner, a long time freelance photojournalist who first met López in his Ambato Prison cell in 1980. According to Laytner’s story, López became known as the "Monster of the Andes" in 1980 when he led police to the graves of 53 of his victims in Ecuador, all girls between nine and twelve years old. In 1983 he was found guilty of murdering 110 young girls in Ecuador alone and confessed to a further 240 murders of missing girls in neighboring Peru and Colombia.

Basic version of the story is as follows. According to López, his mother, a prostitute with 13 children, caught him fondling his younger sister in 1957, when he was eight years old, and evicted him from the family home. He was then picked up by a pedophile, taken to a deserted house and repeatedly sodomized. He was later taken in by an American family and enrolled in a school for orphans. He allegedly ran away, either with a teacher from his school, or because he was molested by a teacher. At 18, he was gang-raped in prison and, he claimed, killed three of the rapists while still incarcerated.

After his jail term he started preying on young girls in Peru. He later claimed that, by 1978, he had killed over 100 of them. He had been caught by a native tribe, who were preparing to execute him, when an American missionary intervened and persuaded them to hand him over to the state police. The police soon released him. He relocated to Colombia and later Ecuador, killing about three girls a week. López later said "I like the girls in Ecuador, they are more gentle and trusting, more innocent." The authorities had previously believed the disappearance of so many girls was due to white slavery or prostitution.

López became one of the most prolific serial killers in Ecuador and in the world. He became notorious internationally as a serial killer. López was arrested when an attempted abduction went wrong and he was trapped by market traders. He confessed to over 300 murders. The police only believed him when a flash flood uncovered a mass grave of many of his victims.

This was from wikipedia.

Based on my opinion, he made a name for himself but by doing something wrong. Taking the lives of so many in indispeakable and cruel. Every life in this world is valuable no matter what species it is. Even though so, its probably he did that because of his childhood experience. No matter, I'm just 1 person out of the other 6billion people in the world who is just simply giving an opinion.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


                 Well Well Well.This new blog seems to be the new and current blog that I use because the previous one I use was very old. So what do I write for today? Well during English period our teacher Jacob who apparently has a more interesting way of teaching told us to write an essay about anything. For all those who are close to me you would probably know what I could be writing. Lets not tell anyone else bout this ah guys. Anyway, so I wrote about the most interesting place that I have visited. Nope its not a country though it would be cool to visit places like France, Switzerland, Dubai and etc though but in fact its actually my dad's childhood home. Yes the simple life in Alor Setar,Kedah.

                  That one place has all the relaxation and peace I can find. It has a paddy field behind followed by strong wind breeze to make things even better. Not only that, there isn't any computer or astro or even playstation 1. The most advanced electronic object I can find was a house phone and a tv which is good because I always spend all of my time staring infront of the computer all day long so I can get to see what they do. I actually saw how they entertained themselves. One of it was well talking and cooking but my favourite was BOOZE! Yes booze. Apparently if you live in Alor Setar you could buy alot of booze from the border shopping mall which was duty free or from Thailand.

                   I actually tred this whiskey+coffee drink which was sweet and alcoholic. Of course I had my mum's approval first before taking it. Not only that, it was that very spot where I realise that I was a uncle of 2 nephews and a niece. I felt older Hahaha. My dad told me stories about what he did around the house to help his parents. During the evening, most of my dad's brothers and their familes along with mine had dinner together. Their food was very nice because most of their food is always fresh. After the dinner, me and my family went back to one of my dad's brother's house for some rest. Well I have seen how my dad lived his life during his early age.

All I have to say is "Orang Kampung Boleh!" Hahaha.