Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Self Reflection 1 ~ ✔

          For this past few days there hasn't been much of studying seeing that we have this Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang and I happened to get 7 A's ( Thank You God ). As a  teenager I have to say that it is great because I don't have to deal with strict teachers. Now I've been doing some thinking about many things in life. It is about my ambition, friends and anger. 

          When I was a child I've always wanted to be a game designer and still want to because I would prefer to do a job that is creative, fun and entertaining even though it can be very STRESSFUL. What I know is that as a Christian, I must follow what GOD has planned for me. Even though so, I still have a passion for my career but what if it turns out that GOD doesn't want me to be a game designer but instead HE wants me to be something else. As dissapointing as it may seem but we must do this to Honour HIM. Conclusion, I'm still very new at being a Christian but I must try my best to glorify HIM.

Secondly, I've also have some thoughts about FRIENDS. For what I will have to say is what I say from my mind & heart. We sometimes have trouble when it comes to friends. Sometimes they may be your friends but they might still gossip about you though. No I may not be the greatest friend in the entire world for I am just a human. Friends are there for you and not ignore your problem. To me, even if your friend has a problem with you that he or she needs to tell you, he or she should have the guts to tell me what they have to say to me infront of my face and not gossiping behind my back. Through this way, at least I know.

Lastly, ANGER. No one is this world has never been angry. If you have never been angry that you are not human. As far as I know, everyone has a temper. We just don't know how short is their temper. Anger always makes me feel as if I want to punch that person who made me angry. We're all GOD's creation and we're never PERFECT because this is how HE made us. Instead we should release our anger through ways that won't involve hurting other people. Why not just get a hammer and go to the nearest junk yard and start smashing some things. If not, you could always do the dishes and keep scrubing them plates with all your anger. Otherwise it's gonna stay in your heart and cause you to have grudges.

This is the end of my latest post. To anyone who read this, I just want to say... 



  1. Luiz... take courage!! Ya, God never promise smooth-going-life.. instead. HE always gives us 'practice' to all kind of situation, i.e. friends, anger and also career... so, be merry bacause God will always be with you! =)

  2. yo bro ... dun worry about the passion part. If you have the passion for game design and you are really good at it .. most probably that ur calling :0)
