Thursday, March 5, 2009

Boring O..

                Yea! Another Friday Night Live but apparently Im gonna be super bored... Currently having lent season which some Christians also don't know what it is. Anyways I promised myself Im not gonna play dota during Lent Season which is 40 days.. So far 10 days have passed already and most of the Dota People like me keep persuading me to play it.

                Hahaha but no lah I rather not play dota for God then for my own satisfaction. At least I have some support from some of my friends from school and church. Thanks a bunch guys and girls. The funny thing about not playing dota is that I realize I have spent so much time wasted on dota when I could have use it to do other things for an example DOING HOMEWORK! Hahaha. Its currently raining now and I hate rain... Well Nigel ask me to do the Ology crap so I guess I'll do it since Im as bored as hell.


Let other's know a little more about yourself; if you've been tagged, re-post this with your own answers and title it with your name plus "ology" on the end.


What is your salad dressing of choice?> Chicken & Carrot?

What is your favourite sit-down restaurant?> Yu Hing. Its in Luyang if ur wondering. 

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?> Spaghetti!!

What are your pizza toppings of choice?> Pineapple. Yumm Yumm 

What do you like to put on your toast?> Butter & Cheese


*How many televisions are in your house?> 2

What color cell phone do you have?> Black


Are you right-handed or left-handed?> The one yang opposite of left. 

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?> Fingernails 

What is the last heavy item you lifted?> Weights

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?> Nope.

*BULLCRAPOLOGY* ( oh how we all love that title. XD)

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?> No because then whats the point of living when there isnt any mystery at all.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?> I like my name cause its spanish/german.

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?> If I was broke then yes. 


How many pairs of flip flops do you own?> 1-1=0

Last time you had a run-in with the cops?>Never but I would like to try.

Last person you hugged?> My Mum. Lolz


Season?> Summer cuz I like it hot.

Holiday?> School Break Holiday.

Day of the week?> Saturday cause got youth! YEA!! 

Month?> December. Can see my whole family again.


Missing someone?> All my brothers. T_T 

Mood?> Happy.

What are you listening to?> Viva La Vida. Coldplay RULES!

Watching?> The monitor of my com.

Worrying about?> My 2nd bro Justin. 


First place you went this morning?>  The toilet Dufus.

What's the last movie you saw?>  Underworld 3 which is so cool.

Do you smile often?> Nope.  


Do you always answer your phone?> If I boleh dengar.

You love...?> God.

If you could change your eye color what would it be?> Sapphire Blue. Its so beautiful. 

What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?> Malaysia teda.

Do you own a digital camera?> Yea.

Have you ever had a pet fish?> 2 actually when I was young. They both died.

Favorite Christmas song?>  Twelve Days Of Christmas.

What's on your wish list for your birthday?> My brothers coming back to K.K 

Can you do push ups?> Yea.

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?> Cant really say cause there's ups and downs  in life.

Ever been in a car wreck?> Nope but it would be pretty cool.

Do you have an accent?> Nope but I cant cuba other slang ba. 

What is the last song to make you cry?>  Cant remember.

Plans tonight?>  Eating keropok while watching tv.

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?> yea..

Name 3 things you bought yesterday.> Hashbrown, Herbal egg, chicken wing. 

Have you ever been given roses?> Nah.

Current worry?> Thought I answered this in Currentology. Wtf?

Current hate right now?> The rain. Lol 

Met someone who changed your life?> Nope but I got a few idols lah. 

How did you bring in the New Year?> Celebrating it with my family :D

What song represents you?> Gives U HELL! WOOHOO! 

Name three people who might complete this? >  Peps that have blogs.

What were you doing 12 AM last night?> Sleeping on my bed.

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?> Nothing. When I wake up im like a programmed robot to do this and that.

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