Saturday, May 30, 2009

Coming To You Live From Alor Setar Its... Luiz

Hello Everybody. Its Luiz giving to you the latest update from Alor Setar. So what attracts the people to Alor Setar? Its PADI!!!! Yes people padi/beras/rice/paddy/nasi/fan. I don't know whats rice in Tamil ( Sorry Matthew). Im currently with my family back here in Alor Setar but were not gonna go to the kampung there which I hoped to go but nvm lah still got other chances. My whole journey to A.S from my house is 8 hours. Hahaha what a long time when I could be doing something else ( NOT DOTA). Had some chit chat with the relatives and having the wedding tomorrow. Well Im gonna go now cause I have stuff to do later on and the laptop's battery is gonna die. Better off now. So I hope I will be able to SURVIVE H1N1 or aka HINI. Ciao

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Everyone has a good & bad teacher(s). So during the previous episode on Youth, we had a discussion with the other youth members on teachers. My bad teacher would be Teacher Durian. GOD didnt create us to be perfect but this is just my opinion about T.D. Why I dont like her is because
1) T.D. looks like a drug addict.
3) T.D. scolds people using wrong terms. If people forgot to bring book then she say attitude
problem. WTF?
4) T.D. likes to shout out ridiculous stupid words.
5) T.D. teaches using the old chinese disiplin way. WERE NOT IN NORTH KOREA T.D!
6) T.D. gives a retardedly huge amount of work.
7) T.D. is super thin. Thinner than me.
8) T.D. is a ketua panitia ( the tai lou of a subject ).
9) T.D. hits people with objects.
10) T.D. has a problem with people who enters classes a little late and questions them.
Now the Good teacher. Lets call him Dr.H for short. He is my tuition teacher. These are the following reasons why he is a good teacher.
1) Dr.H allows me to eat during tuition.
2) Dr.H allows me to listen to music during tuition.
3) Dr.H always ask me how am I.
4) Dr.H sometimes offer me food.
5) Dr.H teaches me very well.
6) Dr.H always asks if Im alright with the question.
7) Dr.H still teaches me even though I'm the only student there.
8) Dr.H is willing to fetch me to tuition when I have no transport.
9) Dr.H always encourage me when I feel like giving up on the subject.
10) Dr.H always tell me advices on my Christian Life
11) Dr.H sometimes laugh when I get stuck with a question.
12) Dr.H always admits if he made a mistake in teaching ( Most teachers wouldnt dare to do ).
13) Dr.H doesn't give any homework.
14) Dr.H sometimes talk to me about his family and shows me his decorations and stuff.
15) Lastly, Dr.H makes me feel like a very close friend to him.
So there you go. You can see that the bad teacher would normally make you feel crappy and angry where as the good teacher always make you feel better and inspires you to be a better person.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Money Kills!


Is it the source of greediness (tamahak) and all evil? To me, I think it is but the real question is.. What would YOU do if you had all the money in the world as much as the above picture. Truthfully, I would buy myself a sports car, a mansion, a private jet and probably spend it on items I think is cool. Well I'm only human.. Would you give all your money to orphans, charities, people in need, beggars, your children or give it to GOD as offering? Giving all the money you have to GOD is a very very very wonderful thing but don't you think that's just ridiculous?

We need money everyday to buy food, pay taxes ( government scandal ), pay our debts, buy fuel for car, electricity, water, etc. Money can really change someones life. Some people in the world would commit sins for money even if it means killing which is against one of the 10 commandments. Though we will never know how the world would be if money never existed in this world. Conclusively, money is neither bad nor good but it can change peoples life...

When were you born?

1. Start from the month you were born. ( January = 1, February = 2,...)

2. Multiply it by 4. Add 13.

3. Multiply by 25. Subtract 200.

4. Add the day of the month that you were born.

5. Multiply by 2. Subtract 400.

6. Multiply by 50 and add the last two digits of the year that you were born.

7. Subtract 10500.

8.What is your answer? Isn't it strange that your birth - month, day and year are displayed?

This was taken from my Maths Textbook Pg 167. Its really cool at first.

P.S = To find out when you were born requires your birth date.